Your Opinion Matters!

Participate in Wellobi Health App Research & Contribute to make health apps more user-friendly

person holding black iPad
person holding black iPad
First of all

Get rewarded for your opinion

At Wellobi, we believe the user is at the center of our attention. We work tirelessly to develop healthcare apps and services that are more user-friendly. We reward our users for their opinions, which helps us improve our products and services even more.

Join the Wellobi community today and share your thoughts with us!

for healthcare providers

Get a clear product direction from our research

Our specialized user experience (UX) service caters specifically to healthcare providers. Through comprehensive data collection and independent participant research, we deliver valuable insights and recommendations. Enhance patient satisfaction, optimize workflows, and drive positive outcomes with our tailored UX solutions. Partner with us for a seamless healthcare experience.

man standing behind flat screen computer monitor
man standing behind flat screen computer monitor
And let's not forget

Our mission

Our mission is to create healthcare apps and services that are accessible and easy to use for everyone. We believe that by putting the user at the center of our attention, we can revolutionize the healthcare industry. Join us on our mission to make healthcare more user-friendly.

About Wellobi

Wellobi is a team of health-tech enthusiasts who are passionate about making healthcare more user-friendly. We believe that the user is at the center of healthcare, and we work tirelessly to create apps and services that reflect that. And we reward our users for their opinion! Join us today and help us transform healthcare.

Contact Us

Your opinion matters. Let's build better health services together.


+44 7456 446507


1 Lawden Street, The Arches

Birmingham, B100AB

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 9:00 - 16:00

Sunday: Closed